First things first, CIATEC is not in any way related to or associated with the US Central Intelligence Agency, as the name might suggest, however our team share the intelligence part and planning to become an agency at some point in time.
CIA TEC name was inspired by two main fields of interest, information security field represented by CIA triad (Confidentially, Integrity and Availability) and information technology being the wide umbrella covering several topics underneath it, with emphasis on IT Service Management (ITSM), IT Security and Digital Strategy.
Work in Progress
CIATEC is still a new born that is being nourished by an ambitious small team of beautiful minds with solid background in digital and information technology, systems management, network management, information security, IT security and IT operations management.
We believe that there is always a room for improvement. We invite you to share with us any suggestions or comments about CIATEC here or through our social media channels:
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While the vast majority of our posts, tips and advice applies on any country or environment, we are focused on the Middle East region particularly in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Lebanon.