Information Security Consulting Partner that fills the gaps

Information Security Consulting with CIATEC

CIATEC core business is information security consulting, that is where it all started. Our name was inspired by the famous information security triad of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA). We are a team of professionals with solid experience in information security consulting, awareness and ISMS implementation. If you are looking to outsource your information security program or just looking for some information security advice, CIATEC is the information security consulting partner that can fill in the gaps.

Information Security Consulting Services

Security Program Development

We provide expertise and guidance for implementing an enterprise security program (ESP), a holistic approach to information security.

Enterprise Risk and Compliance

We help organizations optimize their business by understanding and accounting all types and shapes of security risks, by providing guidance and addressing gaps to better protect your environment.

Security Assessment

Our information security consulting expertise will help conduct a superior information security assessment and gap analysis against global standards and leading industry practices. It will be followed by a remediation of the identified gaps and the development of a roadmap for transformation.

Policy Development

An information security policy is the cornerstone of an information security program. One of our information security consulting services is to help developing a comprehensive set of written information security policies and procedures that address the specific requirements of your business.

ISO 27001 Implementation

Whether you are looking for to fully implement ISO 27001 Information security management system or just looking harden your information assets against the standard, we are here to help.

Business Impact Analysis

We help identify critical processes in order to help organizations assess the continuity of their business operations and the urgency of recovery and resumption in case of disaster.

Incident Management

We work to understand and identify working processes, and integrate industry best practices and international standards for Incident Management processes designed to work in their environment.

Measurement & Metrics

We assist our clients in measuring and evaluating the information technology/security performance and the effectiveness of the management systems within their organizations.

Security Controls

We assess organization's security infrastructure against detective and preventive controls principles; and identify where they are most vulnerable to cyber threats and attacks.

Information Security Consulting and Awareness

Information Security Awareness Program

Protecting and Securing your organization information assets is no longer a sole responsibility of IT staff. Many companies realized, the hard way, that technology alone cannot build a totally secure environment. They need to invest in the human, the weakest point in the cyber security chain. Ciatec's information security awareness program as part of our information security consulting services is designed to fill the gaps and strength the cyber security chain.

Information Security is Everyone's Responsibility

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