9 Pit Stops for an Effective Disaster Recovery Plan

Are you prepared?

What Does DRP Mean?

A Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) is a business plan that describes how work can be resumed quickly and effectively after a disaster.

Why DRP?

Regardless of industry, when an unforeseen event takes place and brings day-to-day operations to a halt, an organization needs to recover as quickly as possible and continue to provide services to its clients. An effective disaster recovery plan can safeguard your organization from the risk of incurring heavy financial costs, reputation loss, and also protect your clients and customers.

Scope and Objectives of DR Planning

The purpose of the Disaster Recovery Plan is to define precisely how the organization will recover its IT infrastructure and IT services within set deadlines in the case of a disaster or other disruptive incident. The objective of this Plan is to complete the recovery of IT infrastructure and IT services within the set recovery time objective (RTO).

The following Disaster Recovery Plan is designed to ensure the continuation of vital business processes in the event that a disaster occurs.

Although Disaster Recovery Planning is complex and difficult process, but can truly be a lifesaver for a company. It can be thought of as an insurance policy that you will hopefully never use. By following the above 9 steps, your DRP will prove to be thorough, dynamic and effective.